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Granola to Go

Monday, April 30, 2007

Fact or fiction?

Why do I have the most bizarre interactions with people? Am I socially retarded? Do I exaggerate more than other folks? Is is that I have a totally skewed perception of reality? Is it my cock-eyed optimism? Is it just that I love to tell stories? I cannot wait to hear people's reaction to this line of questioning- I have just opened myself up to all sorts of ridicule...

Today, for example, I went to a coffee shop near the school. I was on a kick with a friend where we went every second day, if not every day. I have not been there in a while now, as I have been too busy to take the break and I decided it was a bit over the top to spend that much money on coffee. The woman working at the shop mentioned I had not been there in a long time. I said I was trying to cut back (meaning on my spending and frivolousness). She smiled at me and said, "Ma'am, actually you are not overweight." To which I responded, "That's not exactly what I meant, but thank-you."

A couple months ago (I have avoided telling this story because I want no one to worry that I live dangerously) I was going for a walk with one of my girlfriends. As commonly happens here, a young Kuwaiti man started following us in his car, declaring his love and wanting us to take his number. Usually such men go away after awhile if you ignore them. I tried to ignore him, but my friend was interacting. This encourages the behaviour. Finally, I told him to leave us alone and I was going to call my friend if he didn't. He said, "Fine. Call your friend. I'm going to f*$#ing kill you," and drew a sword off his passenger seat and pointed it out the window to prove he could in fact follow through with the threat. As it goes, he drove off after allegedly mouthing an apology to my friend.

Then there's the driver I had over winter break in India, who calls me from time to time to enquire if and when I will come back to India. Last time he called, I was on holidays and missed his call. Then I had a text message from him that was simply three hearts. Why? He has a girlfriend and he's 20 years old. So I am not answering his calls or text messages anymore. So silly.

Hopefully these stories will tide you over until I get some more pictures taken and can write more about...who knows what. The next odd interaction with a friend or stranger? Fortunately I am good natured and have a silly sense of humour, or things may really get to me.

Until next time...


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