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Granola to Go

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Another Day in Paradise

I should consider retitling this entire blog to the above...but I like the romantic image of myself as a tree hugging traveller evoked by the Granola to Go title.

It has been raining frequently and excessively here. It's not quite like the stormy weather you are having at home in Canada, but odd for Kuwait. I like the rain, I could not wait to get home from work today so I could go for a cold, damp walk. So refreshing.

This morning was a different story, though. I got a ride with my friend, as I normally do, but we left at 6:30 instead of 6:00. The thing is, it normally takes about 25 minutes to drive to school, but if you get caught in traffic, it's a problem. Due to the rain this morning there were a couple of accidents and traffic was extremely bad. It took 70 minutes to get to school. That's right, an hour and 10 minutes. I was actually late for work! Crappy! But so were many people so it wasn't that big a deal, plus I did not have a class first thing. Perfect.

I ate two grilled cheese sandwiches and a big bowl of tomato soup for dinner. (I am REALLY full now) Perfect rainy day food. Of course, I did not have any of the ingredients for grilled cheese and canned tomato soup so I bummed them off my neighbour. Excellent.

Now I am listening to the Indigo Girls and wondering if I will ever be a decent guitar player. I relinquish all comments on how anyone can play guitar. Sure, most folks can play some chords if they so desire but to play WELL, that's an entirely different story.

Did I already say I have decided to stay one more year here? I am really happy with the person I have come to terms with being and feel like a huge change would not be the best thing for me at this stage. Plus the reality of it is- I LOVE my job and think there is still room for me to grow in the position and make the program bigger and better. I love my students and colleagues and many of my friends are staying on at the school. I also have a little bit of a social life outside of school (jazz band, folk club, random friends) and am quite content at the moment. This could, of course, all come to a crashing halt at any time but I trust that I have made the best decision for me at this time.

This weekend, I will go watch camel races, make and eat perogies with some prairie friends, go to a couple parties and relax. It's a three day weekend, thankfully.

I thought I had more inspiration but apparently I am out of things to say. My henna from India has faded away, so I will leave you with some pictures of the process...

peace be with you


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