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Granola to Go

Monday, March 06, 2006

Limbo in Liederhosen

Greetings friends!

I know it's been awhile but as it goes, same old story. I got busy and a little stressed out and a little down and had nothing to write. Things are currently on the up and up.

We have one more school day until spring break. The last three weeks have been insane. I gave up junk food for Lent but sadly it hasn't lasted. Well, Lent has but this week I have CAVED. Oh, and I was doing so well. Sugar always seems to get the best of me. But it's not lost yet- there are still several weeks to redeem myself. And what are a few desserts here and there in the whole scheme of life?

This week has been International Week. On Saturday (our version of Monday) the music students performed three concerts as we cannot fit the entire pre-K to grade 12 in the auditorium at once. The performances were awesome and I was really proud of my students. They are so talented.

Today the High School had Folk Fest style set up (rooms with crafts, food and videos) with Opening and Closing Ceremonies. One of our German students was wearing liederhosen and started to limbo when one of the Caribbean countries mentioned it. Welcome to my school, folks. Limbo in liederhosen. It's all too funny. Katie wore traditional Korean and Indian dress (cannot remember the names) while calling hoe down dances on Sunday and Monday this week. Gotta love those international celebrations!

At any rate, as of Thursday, there are only 12 weeks until I can fly home for a rest. It will be so nice to see everyone and sit on the grass and watch the night sky. And perhaps sit on a rooftop on Broadway, sip drinks and laugh at nothing.

Currently, I like
that I can listen to CBC's The Current on my computer at school when I'm not teaching a class
yoga class with a great instructor at the Hilton near our apartments
cashew nuts (inexpensive here)
yogurt (full cream and Danish whenever possible)
A Restaurant called PAUL with great coffee, homemade bread, French pastries and bistro style dishes
the weather
my clothes (lots more pink and orange than ever before)
Mexican food
planning my summer break

All the best...looking forward to those Folk Music Festivals...